Jasmine is a mother, girlfriend, employee, and entrepreneur who royally messed up her finances due to a lack of financial literacy. In 2017, she got fed up with dodging creditors, “robbing Peter to pay Paul” and finally took control of her situation. It took two years of sacrifice, and finally being in the driver’s seat with her finances, she is empowering others to do the same.

Jasmine understands how hard it can be to change your mindset and life. She wants to give other people struggling with their finances the blueprint that she used to improve her financial situation. She’s excited to share how she continuously creates a better life for her family.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and Queen Jazz Reigns.

I love saying I am a small-town girl living in a big city and as cliché as that may sound, it’s true. I am a Beaufort, SC native with an accounting background. I also have a passion for personal finance among other things. I founded Queen Jazz Reigns to empower individuals who feel stuck in debt and don’t know what to do next. I offer consulting services and assist clients with how to create a budget, and stick with it. I also cover saving, investing, and how to add different streams of income while paying down debt.

How did Queen Jazz Reigns start? What inspired you?

My brand started as a blog. I started writing to it after I gave birth to our beautiful daughter. I wanted to break free from what my friends and family expected of me. And more importantly, I wanted to live my life based on my rules.

It was time to reclaim my throne, grab life by the reins, and take control. That’s how I came to the name of Queen Jazz Reigns.

Growing up, I was taught to get good grades, go to college, and get a good job. And that’s exactly what I did. However, after receiving multiple degrees, I ended up with a ton of student loan debt and about $35K worth of credit card debt.

I didn’t learn how to handle my finances during that time and struggled for years while living on my own. I finally made the necessary changes and realized that my family wasn’t the only family who didn’t discuss money or finances in general.

I think that’s a huge disservice to omit that vital information from your loved ones. Since I struggled with myself, I learned what to do and what not to do in order to get out of debt. I want to share that process with others who may be in the same situation.

I’m currently working on revamping my website. I offer products in addition to one on one consultations. I do this to better serve clients with different financial needs and goals.

How does it work when somebody works with you?

What I do is assess the client’s financial information, then offer a plan based on the client’s goals. For example, if the client doesn’t have a budget or know what it is, I educate them and help them create one. I make sure to do this in the format that best fits their style (paper and pen, mobile applications, spreadsheets, etc.). This varies as every client has different needs and goals. I follow up and check in on my clients to answer any questions they have, and make sure they are still on track. I also make myself available to provide in-depth feedback and offer products and services that I’ve used and loved. These are products that helped me in the past and present.

What message would you like to tell our reader? Do you have a tip that can help them out?

If you are living paycheck to paycheck and feel ashamed…. stop it. According to Forbes, 78% of people were living paycheck to paycheck as of January 2019, myself included. I finally broke the paycheck to paycheck cycle THIS YEAR! My past lessons and experiences made me who I am today, and I am not embarrassed. I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned, and I want to pay it forward by empowering others.

I also invested in myself and added multiple streams of income this year. As a result, I’ve paid off over $8K worth of credit card debt in addition to my other debt. I plan to pay off more by the end of the year.

I want people to know that they are not alone. Discussing your finances is not a bad thing. You shouldn’t be embarrassed or ashamed. You can do the same thing I did if you’re willing to shift your mindset and put in the work. You can’t continue to blame your past circumstances. You are given a new opportunity every day that you wake up. Use that opportunity to make a change in your life.

How do you handle challenges in your business?

Time management has been a challenge and still is, especially now. It’s super tough working on my brand, working my 9–5, keeping a toddler entertained, all while making sure I have time to myself, along with my partner. It’s like a never-ending job. This is when taking time off, asking for help, and outsourcing tasks make my life easier.

Keeping a positive mindset is also challenging, but we have to remember we’re human. We’re not perfect, and life is not a competition. One day we’ll all die, so why not live your best life?

How do you manage funding your business?

I currently finance my business on my own. I haven’t received any funding yet. This year has been really good though, and I am grateful!

Where do you see the future taking you? What plans do you have to take Queen Jazz Reigns to the next level?

My future vision and dreams are to scale my brand to the point where I can leave my 9–5 job. I’d like to solely take on clients and create content for a living. I’m planning to retire in 10 years or less. I want to have time to enjoy my family, along with doing things that make me happy every single day. I also want to make a huge impact on others and change their lives, as I changed mine. I’ll be happy as long as I can help at least one person change their life. My goal, of course, is to help more than one person!

What message do you have for other people looking to build a creative business?

Do it, start now! The perfect time to follow your dream(s) is right now. I’m not saying go quit your job today, but you can definitely start laying down the foundation of your business while working your main job. Don’t give up. If you feel like quitting, take a break, but come back strong.

Company name: Queen Jazz Reigns

Email Address: jasmine@queenjazzreigns.com

Website URL: www.queenjazzreigns.com

Instagram URL: www.instagram.com/queenjazzreigns

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