Valarie Marie is a Spiritual Coach and Mentor who guides women through their expansions and wants to create more female millionaires on the planet. 

When Valarie is not spreading her light and working in her business, she is homeschooling her son and taking care of her 3 rescue dogs.

Valarie has an interior designers background that is still a big passion of hers but wanted something more that felt impactful to her. That’s when a spiritual awakening came knocking on her door. After experiencing her expansion, she wanted to help other women in theirs. 

Then, the idea of becoming a coach came to her. “I wanted to embrace the beauty at this moment and make an impact. I also wanted to help people become the best versions of themselves, not just create a pretty space to sit in when you’re hanging out at home.” 

“Coming into this industry of coaching was a little overwhelming and to be honest a bit intimidating. I saw all of these people who were years ahead of me and instantly felt like I needed to do all the things, just to play catch up. That wasn’t the reality though, I had to slow down and spend more time with myself and get to know the purpose of my business.” 

What is it like to work with you? “It’s an experience. In my one on one coaching mentorship, I guide women through their expansions and reintroduce them to the woman they were before the stress of adulating came into their lives. Think of it as reconnecting you to that woman or a better version of her. Who is she, what are her passions, is she living out those passions. Through the intimate experience of my one on one coaching mentorship, we go deep into these questions and adapt daily goods [that’s what I call them] into their life. We work with meditations that fit into your schedule and are right for you, mindset work, spiritual rituals, energy and so much more! You and your business are a growing entity and so is your customized intimate one-on-one coaching experience with me.”

When starting her business, time freedom was a big deal for Valarie. She not only wanted to change something in other people’s lives but hers as well. “You know that lifestyle where you can work from anywhere with your laptop, travel, and be with your family, yeah that one, I wanted that for myself. That was always a daydream passion life of mine. Now, I find myself sitting and thinking of this amazing life I have. I mean, it’s amazing that I get to help people, grow with them, watch them expand in their own lives and I love it.’

Valarie loves the connections she’s made with the people she’s met through this journey and continues to meet. “It’s like being in a community of best friends and getting to know each other in a beautiful setting. I love my clients and love being that bridge that connects them to something deeper within themselves and watching them grow and expand in their own lives.”

You mentioned that you wanted to create more female millionaires on the planet, how do you plan on doing this? “That’s the big one huh. I want to create a whole new era of female millionaires on the planet. What if you saw a group of women ditching the pant suit, don’t get me wrong I love a good pant suit, but instead saw this group of women hanging out, being playful and all those women are millionaires. I want to see women embracing their light that we all have within us and having fun. That’s the point right, to have fun and make it memorable.”

What can we expect to see from your business in the next coming months and more? “I have great things coming in my business and I’m excited to see them come to fruition and sharing it all with you guys soon. I will say that keeping people connected and continuing their expansions are my main focus with these new things happens soon.”

What would you like to leave everyone with today? “Do good, give back, and be the version of yourselves. It’s never too late to start over or to follow your passion. You are worth it and so is that beautiful passion of yours.”

How can we stay in touch with you? “Through my Facebook page at, my Instagram page @iamvalmarie, or by email 


Founder of CEO Medium. Visionary Entrepreneur.

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