∙ 88% of companies planning in-person events this year

∙ 79% of employees are excited to connect with coworkers in person

 Companies are returning to in-person events for their employees following several years of workplace functions occurring virtually or being outright cancelled, a new survey from TravelPerk, a travel management company for businesses, reveals. 

According to the survey, 88% of companies are planning in-person events and team gatherings in 2022 and beyond, with 79% of those companies set aside a specific budget to cover such events. 

One of the biggest issues faced by companies looking to return to in-person events is arranging travel and lodging for remote employees, the amount of which has drastically increased over the last several years, with 68% of companies saying it is their biggest challenge when planning such events. 

Nearly 4 in 5 employees are excited to return to in-person events so that they can meet their colleagues in real life and foster meaningful relationships. To this end, half of the companies surveyed said the first events they plan to organize are team building. 

The complete findings of the survey are:

  • 88% of companies plan to hold in-person events in 2022 and beyond. 
  • 50% of companies are prioritizing team-building events. 
  • 46% of companies would like to hold larger, all-company events such as kick-offs and parties. 
  • 79% of employees are excited to build meaningful relationships with coworkers at in-person events. 
  • 46% of companies are planning to return to in-person trade shows, conferences, and summits as they arise. 
  • 79% of companies have set aside a budget for in-person events. 
  • 68% of companies say the largest hurdle they face is organizing travel and accommodations for remote employees. 

For the full survey details check the TravePerk blog here.




TravelPerk, https://www.travelperk.com/blog/stats-and-trends-that-show-company-events-are-back/

Ladders, https://www.theladders.com/press/25-of-all-professional-jobs-in-north-america-will-be-remote-by-end-of-next-year

American Psychiatric Association, https://www.psychiatry.org/News-room/News-Releases/APA-Poll-Employee-Mental-Health


Author bobanjohn

Founder of CEO Medium. Visionary Entrepreneur.

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