After receiving a late diagnosis of Asperger’s and experiencing what can only be described as life-shattering trauma at the age of just 20, Daniel spent the next seven years struggling to keep these revelations and events from spilling into every area of his life. As a result of his struggles, Daniel built a simple, four-step system called the Beyond Intention Paradigm.

Initially built as a lifeline grappling with suicidal thoughts, Beyond Intention was born, transforming Daniel’s life from misery to celebration. Through his own struggles, Daniel found a path to lasting joy and purpose and he wants nothing more than to share the tools that saved his life. To that end, he lives by this mission statement:

“Spearhead an evolutionary uplift in universal consciousness by awakening people to the importance of their unique role. This is already encoded in them by way of a deep and often ignored or undervalued passion defined as their Dream.

Through motivational speech, Daniel shares his vision of empowerment and joy, as well as via books he has authored, his “Do it With Dan” podcast series (which is available on all major platforms), frequent blogging, articles, and a series of worldwide workshops. Daniel also offers coaching and consultations in groups and in one-on-one sessions. Each of these sessions honors his mission and helps his clients find meaning and joy in their lives.

Daniel is also a voracious reader, publicly documenting his challenge to read a book every week. He loves to travel, write and perform as a singer-songwriter, and practice Kundalini yoga, meditation, and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. He is also an outspoken promoter of entrepreneurial philanthropy, as well as an ambassador for the Mangena Foundation (in addition to working with several charities across the globe).

To contact Daniel, go to He can also be found on most major social media platforms with the handle @dreamerCEO.

Tell us about who you are and what you do.

I am an author, speaker, and coach that supports people in creating real-world abundance. Here is a great article that speaks about what I do

Tell us how you created this brand and what was the sole idea behind it.

The sole idea was to break the cycle of people being sold a lie about what manifestation is, how it works, and the true power of what can be created with it.

Go in detail and tell us about how your brand works.

I work with people in groups, via my programs (my signature is money manifesting program called Micro2Millions) and a limited number of private coaching clients. I teach people the principle of “Alignment” which honors that we are more than just a 1-dimensional creature, but have a number of aspects of ourselves to include in the process of creating any outcome we desire.

What is your giveaway idea through this interview? Highlight something that may interest the readers on a one to one basis.

That we can be harmonious money magnets — we can have an aligned flow to having more money in our lives, and it doesn’t have to cost us peace of mind, family, time, an excess of energy. It can be balanced and it can be joyful.

Explain the challenges you went through while you were working on brand creation. What are the challenges you go through on an everyday basis?

I can from nothing. Zilch. Zero. In fact, I was working a job from 1 pm till 9 pm as I built up the business that I took to 6 figures per month.

Tell us your future vision about the brand. How far do you want to take it? What is your dream about taking it to the next level?

I want to create a new narrative around manifesting and empower people to have a new norm around deliberately creating all aspects of their lives.

What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?

Understand that it starts with a clear intention, but an intention means nothing if it is not supported by a clear idea of how you will feel when it is done or a belief that it is even possible.

Author bobanjohn

Founder of CEO Medium. Visionary Entrepreneur.

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