Moving your enterprise can be a big undertaking, but there are some steps you can take to minimize interruptions and make the process simpler. Statistics show that the relocation industry spends around $25 billion per year. Thankfully, there are some ways to lower costs and make your move a positive experience. Whether you have an office space or work from home, a little preparation for your move goes a long way. Here are three tips for doing it right.

  1. Create a Timeline

It is always a good idea to be flexible so that you can adapt when challenges arrive, but having a solid timeline can help you stay organized and see the bigger picture. Whether you rent or own your workspace, you’ll need to align your move-in and move-out dates to mitigate extra costs and have a place to put your things. In addition, look at anything else on your calendar and make sure you are moving at a time when your workload is lighter, and you don’t have too many commitments at once.

If you’re not ready to move everything into a new space, you may want to look into L.A. self storage to have more flexibility. This will give you extra time to find the perfect location and ensure your things are safe and sound for however long you need. Many storage centers offer discounts for new customers, which makes this option more cost-efficient. You can find a 5×5 storage unit in Los Angeles for around $149 per month.

  1. Check Your Paperwork

Whether you have an LLC or a corporation, you’ll need to register in your new state and handle the necessary paperwork. Different options have different tax consequences, so take some time to research your options. If you decide not to dissolve an LLC in your previous state, you will need to file duplicate reports for both states, which can be time-consuming and costly. If you don’t want to worry about lawyer fees, you can hire a formation service to handle the transition for you. This is often the best option and ensures you won’t miss any critical steps throughout the process while saving yourself a lot of time so you can focus on other elements of moving.

  1. Update Your Customers

Creating a schedule to update your customers is another essential step in the moving process. When you’re done planning logistics, consider making a social media and email campaign to keep customers updated during the transition. Refer back to your moving timeline and assess when you may have to pause business and when you can resume. Then, let customers know every step of the way, so they understand what’s happening. This will retain the trust and create consistency while business is fluctuating.

A social media scheduler is a great way to plan out your messaging in advance, which will reduce your workload while moving is taking place. Take an afternoon to schedule posts according to your timeline, and they will upload automatically on the chosen days and times. This preparation takes less time in the long run and will ensure customers get the correct information exactly when they need it. You can always move posts and adjusts if any plans change along the way.

By following the steps above, you can move your business without getting overwhelmed or losing clients. Remember that you can create a timeline, schedule posts, and use storage to minimize disruptions and plan ahead.


Author bobanjohn

Founder of CEO Medium. Visionary Entrepreneur.

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