Samia Perveen is a 27-year-old accomplished Pakistani blogger based in UAE. She is the founder of @Influenster.Sam on Instagram with over 10K followers. She has successfully collaborated with leading food, clothing, and makeup brands in UAE. She has been successfully featured in leading websites and recognized on various social media platforms. She holds a passion for social media marketing and photography. Portrait photography attracts her most. This passion has finally opened its door to her with a great opportunity. She will be officially covering the most prestigious RAK Fine Arts Festival in UAE. She strongly believes in the philosophy of always following your heart. Though it took years for Samia to finally do something that makes her happy and enthusiastic. But it’s never too late she believes. She gives credit to her mother for her success. If it’s not for her, she wouldn’t be pursuing her passion. Her mother taught her the key lessons of life – BE HONEST, BE JUST, BE KIND AND BE LOYAL. She is indeed an inspiration for so many people.
Tell us about who you are and what you do.
My name is Samia Perveen. I am a 27-year-old Pakistani Blogger, born and raised in UAE. I live with my family. I completed my inter in 2012 and then did both full-time and part-time jobs as a receptionist cum marketing executive. I am an introvert. I have a passion for photography and social media marketing. I am trying to make my mark on the world.
Tell us how you created this brand and what was the sole idea behind it.
I have created my Instagram handle years back. It’s only after I lost my job in 2020 due to covid, I started focusing on my account. I started writing reviews for brands and to my surprise, in no time, I collaborated with several leading brands. I have recently collaborated with 20 well-known brands. I am currently working on it.
I also have a passion for photography and want to pursue a career in it. Luckily I have been invited to officially cover the RAK Fine Arts Festival, a great opportunity to experience and learn photography.
The idea behind creating my account was to do social media marketing for brands that I love doing and post anything that pleases my heart – The only place where I can speak and do without any dictation.
Go in detail and tell us about how your brand works. You may keep this from the audience’s perspective.
I promote the products and services by promoting a brand as a whole. I do social media marketing to build awareness about the respective brand and its products to generate sales. I create awareness about a product in the form of photos and videos. I write honest reviews after trying out the products.
What is your giveaway idea through this interview? Highlight something that may interest the readers on a one to one basis.
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank CEO Medium for interviewing me and featuring me in their magazine. I am honored.
DONT LOSE HOPE. Be patient when it comes to achieving your goals. There are no shortcuts to the path of success. To reach the top, patience, hard work, dedication, and strong determination is required.
It took me years to reach the point where I am now and this is the only advice I would give to readers that HAVE FAITH, nothing is impossible.
I believe if we have strong faith in God, He is always there to unfold the heavens to us.
My readers can approach me on my Instagram – @Influenster.Sam for any tips or help. I would be glad to help people out there who are struggling in their respective fields and their personal lives.

Explain the challenges you went through while you were working on brand creation. What are the challenges you go through on an everyday basis?
I am an introvert and an extremely sensitive person because of my tough childhood days. I do not open up easily. Speaking up itself is challenging for me. People have always ruthlessly criticized me for who I am but I have fought and successfully reached here. I have always been a victim of bullying and constant criticism which shattered my confidence. Building one, coming out of my comfort zone, doing blogging, meeting new people, interacting, etc all is very challenging for me. I have lots of fears and I am trying to overcome them. I belonged to a strict family which also contributed to who I was. But Alhamdulillah I have now immense support from my family, my mother, my sisters especially my twinnie Sumayya and of course my brother, who has always advised me TO BE YOURSELF no matter what. Despite being a low key person, my interests are opposite. My interest in marketing and I love doing photography both required constant interaction with new people now and then.
The most challenging thing is to make people realize that it’s not an easy job. Neither people nor brands understand the efforts that we put into a single post (review). There is a tough competition out there in this field. You have to work hard and make sure you present the quality content to the viewers and your reviews are distinctly different from others. It’s not just a copy-paste thing. I have to work late at night to create quality content.
The second most challenging thing in this field is you are judged based on your number of followers. When I am approached by brands for collaborations, I show them my work. But the next question I get from them is, how many followers do you have? As much as it’s important to influence the masses to help a business grow, the content should matter as much.
How do you manage your finances through the services you offer. Any fundings etc received?
Initially, I wasn’t being paid by brands to do marketing and I was also jobless. My family supported me despite the odds because of my passion. After lots of struggle and hard work, today I am being paid for all the services I offer.
Tell us your future vision about the brand. How far do you want to take it? What is your dream about taking it to the next level?
I want to create a positive impact on the masses through my platform. I want to be known for my work. There is no stop or end in this field. You just keep moving forward and forward. The sky is the limit.
What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?
Nothing can be achieved without any struggle. Whichever field you opt for or are passionate about, just know that it will be an extremely slow process and requires lots and lots of struggles. You will gradually grow. But only with hard work, patience, determination, being focused, no time limit, extreme dedication, you will achieve your goals. You don’t have to get disappointed if you don’t get the desired results soon. For this specific field, you need to have strong convincing power and you need to be completely aware of the public’s interests.
I would like to mention my best friend Sandeep, who showed immense support throughout my journey. She is not a namesake friend, she proved to be one. She worked for me both in front and behind the camera.
I would like to end this conversation with my mother’s advice to me

“If you think you are going to get failed and you are sure about it 99.9% and still 0.1% there is a chance, then TAKE IT. No matter what situation you are in, no matter what profession you opt for, and no matter where you stand, TAKE THE CHANCE AND LEAVE NO REGRETS.”
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