Rachael Bodie spent years working as a Fortune 500 leadership consultant. The valuable knowledge and experience helped grow her expertise in the field, but something was missing. While she found success in her career, she was left feeling unfulfilled.
It was when she finally broke free and lifted her side-hustle into a full-blown, successful business that she knew she’d found her calling. Today, she’s living her best life and doing what she loves. This smart, savvy business coach has shared stages with big names such as Rachel Hollis and John C. Maxwell and is well-known within the industry because she took her knowledge, combined with strategic steps, and built the career she’d always dreamed about.
As a mentor and business coach, Rachael helps her clients explode their potential and grow their businesses. In teaching them how to break through the barriers of limiting self-beliefs holding them back, using a well-designed 3-step process, and a proven track record, she’s made a lasting impact on businesses all around her.
With the right system in place, entrepreneurs can grow a business without feeling burned out. They don’t have to rely on non-stop marketing ads—and can find balance between work and play. She gives her clients the gift of learning how to run a thriving business in a new way—a smarter way. This knowledge frees them up to do the things they enjoy most, because their business is reaping the rewards of a well-oiled system.
Rachael Bodie knows how to help her coaching clients finally move forward. She understands the important steps needed because she’s been there. She’s grown a business from the ground up, learned important time management skills, and managed the systems that catapulted her own business to higher levels of success.
With authentic leadership, she gives her clients the advantage they need to go further. With a winning mindset, perfected strategies, and a decade of experience, her business coaching clients are breaking through and seeing results they never dreamed possible.

Her passion is in working with other women entrepreneurs and showing them not only what’s possible, but how to get there. Juggling multiple responsibilities can be frustrating and difficult for many women, especially when they have children at home. She understands this unique situation because she juggled raising two young children while building her business. Once the right systems are in place, the struggles and challenges fade away.
When it’s time to get to the next level, to push from 6-figure business to a 7-figure business, Rachael Bodie can help. With the right system, everything falls into place.