It’s easy to become transfixed by the flawless complexion of top models in glossy, fashion magazines. Unfortunately, many women aren’t aware that those images have been heavily retouched and photoshopped to create an unrealistic result. We get drawn in by the long eyelashes, or the perfect hair, or pore-free skin, and wonder why we don’t look like that after getting ready to go out.
She says, “We are all-too complacent to an industry that focuses so heavily on unrealistic beauty standards that young women are conditioned to follow. This leaves individuals feeling as if their best, simply isn’t efficient enough. I started to wonder if the ideals of fantasy and glamour could be efficiently mixed with inclusion, acceptance, and realistic beauty standards in a publication. Thus, Noemi Magazine was born.”

Megan Morgante was drawn to the high-energy fashion industry from the get-go, but once she found herself surrounded by non-reachable industry standards, her disconnect ran deep. There had to be something else, something more—something inclusive. Where was the diversity? Why did everybody look the same, rather than a wide array of people that better represented the world around us?
She took it upon herself to make a difference, and that she did. Founding a bi-annual magazine, Noemi is a piece of creative work that celebrates all women—even those that were overlooked and forgotten in traditional magazines.
She says, “Our magazine prides itself on limited retouching and no photoshop in an effort to celebrate diverse groups of people and change the status quo of what beauty is.”
Megan is making strides and the magazine’s growth continues since its inception in 2019. Filling a gap in the market, she’s made quite an impact, being named a Top 100 Fashion Leader by the FABCon Award Association, along with being named a Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year by the Stevie Award Association. With appearances on shows like AM New York, Fox News, and Fashion United, she’s looking to change the perception of what beauty truly is—in fact, she’s even filming a documentary about her climb and successes.
She wants all women to recognize their beauty and to get rid of the status quo that so many rely on. With diversity, you’re able to showcase so many more individuals while celebrating what’s special about them, their beauty, and unique, raw stories.
Too many women grow up insecure because of constantly being bombarded with perfected images and being told that’s what “being beautiful” looks like. It’s time to help women embrace their own beauty, and help them see women come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. There is no one perfect ideal image of beauty.
The team at Noemi encourages women to think big, speak their truth, and go after the things that matter to them.
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