Mermaids Waves is a community that helps people see their potential. Entrepreneur and self-love intuitive Mollie Lyst are making an impact by aligning herself with her values. You can, too.
Mollie Lyst didn’t first jump into Mermaids Waves with the intent of being seen. It was an opportunity for her to express herself freely without everybody watching. What she found though, was that being true to who she was and sharing messages about self-love, it resonated with something inside of her.
She knew there was potential to impact other people and help them grow in their journey as well. With that in mind, she grew Mermaids Waves as a place that offered a sense of community while helping people find their authentic selves. By helping people connect to their natural leadership abilities and empower them with grace and self-love, she’s found her calling.
As a coach who spreads a message of inner strength and self-healing, she’s helping others connect to their authentic confidence, so they can lead and reach out to others in return. She does this by helping clients connect to their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. In return, it helps them tap into their creative and intuitive gifts.

Through her program, Rise in Love, she empowers others to focus on their inner work, so they can thrive and finally come into their authentic selves. She sees a future where the impact of one person reaches many, as each person thrives, they can in turn impact more people.
Sometimes it comes down to trusting that you can transform, and with the right gentle nudge, you can find your true self.
She also works 1:1 with clients to help them find their fierceness, which helps them see their potential. Feel Fierce offers deep inner work that will help you find your inner fire. It’s so easy to get caught up in pleasing others and ignoring the things that are important to you. We often put ourselves on the backburner. Feel Fierce allows you the chance to put your own needs and feelings upfront, so you can connect with your true desires.
With a solid plan and smart strategies, you can achieve your goals, transform your life, and finally live the life that fills your soul. Live in alignment with who you are and what you value, rather than what you think others expect of you. If you’d like to learn more about Mollie Lyst and Mermaids Waves, be sure to visit her at