Laura is a Mindset Coach + Business Strategist who works with online Coaches to launch, grow, and scale their business. Using her signature framework of Mindset, Marketing, and Money Mastery, Laura works with coaches ranging from start-up through to multiple six-figure turnovers as well as with existing business owners pivoting their business to include or transition to coaching.
Laura is a certified coach as well as an accountant and before operating her own business, worked in a top-tier management consulting firm so brings a unique blend of coaching alongside a 10-year career in business advisory, strategic business development, and performance improvement. As a mother of two children 5 and under, Laura has created a 6 figure business in 18 months working an average of 25 hours a week.
Laura believes that success in business does not have to come at the cost of other important aspects of life which is so often showcased in the entrepreneurial world. She believes that business is about not just business but the life it makes possible. Having grown her business consistently and on limited time she has direct experience as a mum of 2 young kids growing a thriving online service-based business.

Tell us about who you are and what you do.
I’m a Mindset Coach + Business Strategist, the CEO of my 6 figure business as well as a mother to two kids. I work with female coaches who have a passion for helping people and don’t necessarily feel confident about the business and online side of starting or growing a business.
I see myself as someone who supports my clients go from the person in the business – that is the coach, the personal trainer, the Pilates instructor – to becoming a confident CEO. This is done through a blend of mentoring, mindset coaching, and advisory and support with business strategy.

What was the vision behind starting this business?
After I had my daughter I knew I wanted to continue working and make an impact in the world, however, I realized the corporate environment I’d worked the previous 10 years in no longer suited me. I wanted flexibility and if I’m honest, the work just didn’t feel like it was having a direct impact on people’s lives.
I had a decade of business experience, insight, knowledge, and advisory skills coupled with a love for personal development so the idea was born to bring that expertise to smaller business owners – women like me who wanted more impact, more time, and flexibility without sacrificing on the income – to grow their business. I had a vision of a ripple effect, more money in the hands of women, and the multiplier effect this has in communities, families, and small businesses as well as the effect of more women running successful businesses as coaches. I fundamentally believe that more people out in the world improving their lives and working with coaches and kicking goals in their health, finances, mental health, their businesses has such a compounding effect and leaves the world a better place.
What makes you unique in this industry?
As a mum of two kids 5 and under, I’ve been able to create a 6 figure business in 18 months working an average of 25 hours a week… I attract a lot of mums as clients as well as women who are limited on time and want to grow their business.
I get what it’s like to grow a business while having a full life and limited hours. When people come to me, they’re often overwhelmed, time-poor, and unclear on their strategy, time management, and their productivity. Often without knowing it too, they have mindset blocks around success, their identity, money, and becoming the owner of a thriving business. They want to find the blend between growing a business, the responsibilities of life all the while shifting who they see themselves as to become the CEO that matches the vision they hold for their business. What sets me apart? I’ve had the same or similar struggles. There was no overnight success or a single thing that exploded my business, it was proven strategy, consistent action, and working it at and 19 months later I have a business that has more than replaced my full-time salary as a Corporate Accountant.
Explain the challenges you went through while you were growing your business. What are the challenges you go through on an everyday basis?
The challenges I faced in the early days of growing my business were a lot to do with time and balancing the vision I had for my business with the day to day of young children. For me as well, there was such a big mindset component. When you’re in that startup phase there is no evidence to show you that the vision you have is possible or even whether the steps you’re taking day to day are working. One of the biggest pieces of work for me was consistently working on my belief and mindset to ensure I wasn’t making decisions in my business from fear or self-doubt but rather strategically and intentionally and focused on long term sustainable business.
Now the everyday challenges in the business are different than they were in that early stage and one of the most helpful things I’ve come to realize is that business is always presenting new problems. Growth means new challenges to face and problem-solving is just part of being in business. These new challenges or problems though are a reminder that business is growing. If you’re not solving new problems you or the business are likely stagnating.
One of the challenges I’m currently working through as a service provider operating a fully booked business is the demand the business has on me and the tension this can cause when you wear multiple hats in your business. As a team, we are currently focusing on things like standard processes and automation so that not only can I work with my clients and give them an exceptional experience but also have the time and whitespace to put that CEO hat on and drive the vision for my company. One of the challenges I’ve been working through in the second half of 2020 is carving out that time to think strategically and ensure the business is adapting and innovating.
Tell us your future vision about the brand. How far do you want to take it? What is your dream about taking it to the next level?
2021 has some serious growth plans in place! We are currently ensuring the current operations of the business are solid so that we can bring in new offers and ways of working with clients in the next 12 months. I can’t say too much just yet but the aim is to be able to support female service-based business owners grow their businesses in new ways. Maintaining the excellence in which I work with my clients while allowing the impact to amplifying. After the year that was 2020, so many of us are craving a deeper connection. The power of being in containers with other people in the same stage of business as you (which often we don’t have in our day to day lives) where they’re lifting, inspiring, and witnessing each other is incredible. I am excited to bring some new ways of creating that ripple effect of impact and income into the business.
I see myself as an everyday, ordinary woman with two young children and a passion for business. I want to be an example of what is possible. I’m on a mission to showcase that it’s possible to run a thriving business, do impactful work and make a difference in the lives of others without having to compromise on the income or the life you want, so my vision is to grow the business and to continue to be an example of that to the women in my community.

What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?
You can do it! Growing my own business and my work with my clients the biggest thing that I continually see gets in the way is self-doubt and questioning of whether we can do it. So often I see how this pulls us away from the consistent daily actions we need to take. Decide you are the kind of person who runs a thriving business and take action like it, from there you won’t look back!