What’s the secret recipe for leadership? With Jason Hill, the serial entrepreneur of Ontario territory Six Nations of the Grand River, it’s a literal question. Hill has made his mark in his hometown and beyond with Burger Barn, a must-try destination for tourists and locals alike.

Burger Barn wasn’t Hill’s first crack at entrepreneurship. After tiring of the daily grind working as an industrial painter, he set out to open a string of businesses, from retail and energy to construction. But it was Burger Barn that truly put his hometown of Ohsweken on the map.

Recently we talked with Jason Hill about his perspectives on leadership and entrepreneurship.

Q: Is there something especially rewarding about achieving business success in the place you grew up?

Jason Hill: There is, but I never really thought about that. I mean, it wasn’t my motivation to prove myself in the community or anything like that. I live here, I’ve always lived here and I love the people, so it was just natural that this would be the place I would want to achieve my dreams. My first shop was a simple confectionery store, and then later I branched into wholesale. The stores needed distribution, so that led to expansion and the addition of a fueling station. As the businesses grew further, I saw the need for a new construction resource for the community, and that became Ace1 Construction. The motto for that venture is “Together We Build,” and that really explains my approach to business, and what in fact makes a successful business. We succeed together. We draw upon each other’s strengths; we share the adventure and the rewards. And that attitude is a perfect fit for this region, Six Nations of the Grand River.

Q: Is Burger Barn your most satisfying creation?

Jason Hill: In many ways I suppose it is. It’s certainly satisfying when I’m dreaming of a Classic Stacker with a side of fries! That’s our most popular menu item, our special take on an all-the-fixings double cheeseburger. But it’s also been satisfying in so many other ways, as well. We’ve drawn attention from across Canada, and even across North America. A lot of that happened when we were featured on The Food Channel’s “You Gotta Eat Here” show. People liked what they saw, and listened to the advice in the title of the program — they decided they really did need to try it. Folks in Ohsweken are used to giving direction to wandering tourists looking for Burger Barn. But the other satisfying part is that it’s not just a place to eat, it’s a gathering spot for the community. People come here to have fun, share each other’s company and create family memories. If you live here, you can always find a familiar face at the restaurant. People feel at home, and they are at home.

Q: Is there something unique about your community?

Jason Hill: I can tell you’ve done your research! Yes, Six Nations is a special place. First of all, it’s Canada’s most populous First Nations territory, and is founded upon the cultural traditions of the Iroquois people. Sharing a history and sharing traditions creates a unique bond, and it also tends to remind us of the timeless principles that came from this tradition. We reflect those principles in the statement of values that we post in the restaurant, and they include a deep respect for our customers and the community. Community is a central part of the life of every person and every family who lives here. That’s the secret sauce of my success. And that is also a very important lesson for any entrepreneur: Never forget where you have come from, and never leave anyone behind as you dream big and reach for the stars.


Author bobanjohn

Founder of CEO Medium. Visionary Entrepreneur.