Henry Aaron Westbrooks, 26 years old and currently reside in Southern California. He is an entrepreneur with many endeavors and has generated millions of dollars in sales revenue throughout numerous companies. He likes to read a lot of sales and psychology books and has also undergone a lot of personal and self-help development to achieve the highest potential.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a licensed Realtor, specifically in South West Florida, and currently in pursuit of my California real estate license.

I have experience in helping buyers look for homes and helping homeowners sell their homes for fair market value (top dollar).

I am a master of the door to door sales, who has generated millions for the industry as a solar energy consultant. I am able to generate business “out of thin air”.

I am experienced in high ticket selling.

I am a master of pitching products, building value, and turning people into profitable/repeat/referring customers. Through communication and business, a strong background in sales, and a natural gift of persuasion, I am helping people awaken to their inner greatness. I am currently on the path of enlightening the mass population to the fact that they are powerful, limitless, divine beings who are here with a special unique purpose.

I am the founder of @health.wealth.show, a podcast featured on Spotify & iTunes that is about health, wealth, love, and happiness. I feature guests from all walks of life to share their story, their visions, their ideas, their journey, their success, their advice, etc. The topics we cover a range from business to relationships, pop culture to upcoming trends, current events to future predictions & more.

I am the founder @igrowclub www.igrowclub.com, a digital social media marketing agency that organically grows the presence/footprint of people and businesses online, allowing them to reach their target audience and scale. I help numerous people and businesses identify their personal or brand mission statements. I help with personal and brand development. We handle the marketing for people and business while they focus mainly on the content creation, however, we are now expanding into content creation as well. Therefore, we are able to cover most digital needs.

I have had successful Shopify and Amazon business models and created strong affiliates who are earning 6–7–8 figures using e-commerce.

I am very good at networking and building relationships. I consult students on how to free themselves from the 9–5, how to live their dreams, how to escape the rat race, how to level up, how to reprogram their mindset for success & shift their paradigm about what is possible.

I have a bachelors degree in Communication

I was born and raised in upstate Rochester, New York in Rochester General Hospital on November 23rd at 8:01 PM.

Small city. There is not much opportunity. I hadn’t to really hustle and grind to get ahead. I had to become a man fast and learn principles of wealth creation fast. I grew up living in an apartment. We were not suffering or mega poor like that but we didn’t have much. My mom and dad were never married. They split up when I was 4 or 5. I still maintained and still have great relationships with both my parents and they get along fine. Mostly, I grew up living with mom and then I would see my dad throughout the week/weekends. Both of my parents were and are supportive, however, neither of them were or are rich/wealthy. They are the working middle class if that. Honestly, we never had cable TV. We didn’t have new houses or new cars. We didn’t go out to eat at super fancy restaurants. Tyson chicken nuggets & Digornio pizza. We were happy and felt blessed living in our small, simple city. I played sports; basketball, baseball, soccer, wrestling. I studied music for 6 years. I have always been creative and innovative. I always wanted more for myself and my family. I went to catholic private school my whole life, uniforms, etc. and that was great because I had a lot of friends from all over the area ( cities, towns, suburbs, districts), etc. This allowed me to see different lifestyles. I was popular growing up. I was always outspoken, bold, creative, clever, a critical thinker, and had a personality larger than life. I always had big dreams. I always wanted to be rich and successful. I wanted my family to be family and I wanted to help other people do that same thing. I remember setting up a shop, with my tables and chairs & started selling lemonade and pokemon cards on the side of the road. I would do garage sales. I would go door to door, ca none of which really fueled my fire or would lead me to financial freedom. I want to teach people how they can become financially and time free. Going back, I would sell chips, candy, magazines, whatever I could, wherever I could! I also loved saving money and watching it stack up. It always fascinated me to see money add up. I would find things on the side of the road and sell them online on craigslist, Facebook, etc. I remember watching my parents struggle sometimes; not being able to afford the nicest and newest this or that. I was raised well and did get a privileged childhood in some regard. I had a lot of random low paying jobs like food services & office positions. My parents were strict however liberal and would let me pursue things and programs like cub scouts, explorer program, band, talent shows, field trips, etc. I was basically an only child. Dad met another woman later in life and now I have a half-sister. I went to school every day, wasn’t really a bad kid although I did get into some mischief and trouble. Was not the best and was not the worst haha. I was smart. I got good grades. I made the honor roll all high school and then graduated from the university at buffalo in four years with my BA in communication. I left college and started learning more about investing. I was working for corporate radio (ESPN, PYX, BUZZ, WCMF) and doing public relations. I did some high-end luxury/designer fashion & vacation/timeshare selling commission-based jobs. I saw all of this as a stepping stone. I moved from New York to Florida, literally drove state to state, and got my real estate license. I started doing realtor things. I got a call from a previous co-worker who invited me to California to sell solar. I took the opportunity and drove across the country. In spite of all that, I have grown a personal brand that is framed on positive development and achievement. I have a good credit score. I have a strong growing social media presence. I have a positive message and mission to improve the quality of life of others by helping them realize their purpose and maximize their potential.

Honestly, Rome was not built in a day. It’s a game of inches. It’s one step, one day at a time. The reality is that things take time, effort, and focus. Anybody claiming that their success occurred overnight does not realize all the work and intangible things that have been factored into the equation. People just want to make their accomplishments seem and appear easier than they were because this gives them a higher perceived power/level of intrigue. I’ll be honest. This has been a lot of early mornings and late nights, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of trial and error. Literally blood, sweat, and tears. A lot of stress and failure. A lot of learning and overcoming challenges. A lot of mental and behavioral changes. A lot of reevaluation of who I spend time with & how I spend time. A lot of research. A lot of studying. A lot of calculated risks. A lot of energy, time, financial investment. A lot of networking. A lot of traveling. A lot of calls, messages, emails, voicemails, follow-ups.

I want to be in full control. I want to be able to do whatever I want whenever I want. I believe that we are blessed to be living in America, USA, and should take advantage of the taxes and systems in place that benefits entrepreneurs and business owners. I want to create an immortal legacy. I want to create something, own something. Being an entrepreneur is puts the power back in your hands. It is not always easy, but it is fun and can be rewarding when all goes right. Entrepreneurship is what I see when I look at any successful business or brand. The CEO or founder was an entrepreneur, a creator, a problem solver, an innovator. That is what I want to do.

The biggest challenge in starting a business is maintaining the faith that everything will work out during initial start-up periods and phases of uncertainty. That, along with scaling, remaining relevant, and retaining customers. The biggest reward is knowing that you built and created something that is helping people and generating a profit. That, along with the assurance that you are in control of something that in theory, nobody can take away from you (if you comply with all ordinance and laws haha)

Honestly, the most interesting story is ever since I moved to California and started my journey here, an increase of interaction from celebrity/verified public figures has been observable. They reach out to me, interact with me, and support me. This is cool because I’ll wake up with messages, likes, or comments from people who are doing big/great things. Getting that constant recognition inspires and motivates me to keep doing what I do.

1) It all starts with you. Think bigger, believe in yourself, do something to get forward every day, and always trust the process. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or look dumb. Be vulnerable.

2) Invest in yourself, don’t be scared of good debt that results in cash flow, & money follows attention, so get it at all costs.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person

who you are grateful to who helped get you to where you are? One entity would definitely be God. My Mom has been a huge help too. I learn a lot from everyone I encounter, whether it be what to do or what not to do. Some of my mentors include, Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Tai Lopez, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, the lesson did you learn from


Henry Aaron

What is your entrepreneur’s story? How did you come about building your business?

From rags to riches. I saw a lot of people struggling where I’m from. There was never much money in my family. My parents sort of having a scarcity mindset. It was not their fault. They grew up in different times. They raised me very. I just never learned wealth creation principles really. Although they did give me some applicable and practical advice like “save your money to invest”, “take care of your credit”, “don’t waste your money on things you don’t need” etc. My parents always supported me and gave me what I wanted, however, we were not rich or wealthy. I grew up and started my first business when I was 21. I formed an LLC from LegalZoom and started learning about different tax strategies and business operations I started off by hiring someone to make a logo and then built a website. I remember investing my own money into getting the logo printed on t-shirts before I even had a real audience. I just had a vision and idea. The company was based on a music and entertainment campaign and blew up internationally. To this day, the #ayeliens brand and tag on Instagram and Twitter have reached tens of thousands of people. I was the first person to use #ayeliens on Instagram and the community is now an immortal legacy. I do most of the work in house with some help from virtual assistants.

What is your business model — how were you able to grow so fast?

Door to door sales. Cold calling. Face to face sales. B2C. B2B. Online marketing. I am an independent contractor for solar and real estate. I also have affiliates and global marketing teams and campaigns for my e-com and social media marketing agency. A lot of online marketing. I have a service that everyone on Instagram wants and needs.

Instagram automation: 100% real & organic engagement — 24/7 • Targeted Likes

Henry Aaron

 • Targeted Follows/Unfollows ✅ • Customized Comments

Henry Aaron

  • Location Targeted

Henry Aaron

  • Specific Hashtag Targeted #️⃣ • Similar Username Targeted

Henry Aaron

Can you give me an overview of who you are, what is your educational or overall background? What are some of your achievements?

Educated. Worldly. Biracial. Naturally persuasive. Ambivert. Bachelor’s degree in communication from a division one university. From New York. Moved to Florida. Moved to California. Seeking a good life. Creating life by my own design. Forming multiple companies that generate money online. Complete Cardone u certification. Sold millions between real estate, solar & digital services. I can help grow on Young ambitious entrepreneurs with big vision and goals to help people and businesses grow while positively impacting the planet.

What have you learned through your experiences as an entrepreneur that can be used by aspiring business individuals?

You must have a positive mental attitude, unwavering faith, patience, take radical/calculated action/risk. Accept temporary defeats. Learn from failures. Network = networth. The more you learn the more you learn. Building a business is not “easy”. Success won’t happen instantly overnight. Enjoy and trust the process. Be prepared for change and be able to adapt. Understand how money works. Understand how credit works. Get a good CPA.

Henry Aaron

What makes your business so unique and successful?

I offer above and beyond service while providing an extraordinary customer experience. IGrowClub offers real organic interaction & we provide companies and people with a guaranteed number of likes & views on every post/video. Also very successful with turning prospects into repeat clients by adding value and helping them increase engagement/conversions.

What have you learned through your journey as an entrepreneur?

I have learned a lot about myself and about how people think. The psychology of humans. I have learned to keep up with the current trends. I learned that people will overpay for convenience. I learned that people consume more than they produce. I learned how to create value, find solutions to problems, communicate effectively, eliminate distractions & doubt. I have learned about taking risks and making sacrifices. I have learned that things take time and effort.

Henry Aaron

What skills and attributes make you as successful as you are?

My ability to be upfront and honest. My extroversion and limitless outgoing personality. I am confident. I look good. I have good vocabulary, diction, attitude. I am fearless. I like people and know how to make people feel good, appreciated, valued, accepted. I have studied the 7 habits of highly successful people. Read a lot including:

Here is a list of the books I have been implementing since last year:

2018 BOOKS:

  1. Influence
  2. The 25 ways to win with people
  3. Tipping Point
  4. The psychology of self-esteem
  5. Awaken the giant within
  6. The key to living the law of attraction
  7. Book of the way
  8. How to make people like you in 90 seconds or less
  9. 100 ways to motivate yourself
  10. If you’re not first you’re last
  11. The science of being great
  12. Before you quit your job
  13. Retire young, retire rich
  14. The Four Agreements
  15. The path of prosperity
  16. The science of positive mental thinking
  17. The alchemy of finance
  18. Get out of your way
  19. The power of now
  20. The art of money getting
  21. The power of habit
  22. How to stop worrying and start living
  23. The little money bible
  24. Yes you can:1200 ideas for work, home, & happiness
  25. The art of communicating
  26. The art of seduction
  27. The art of thinking clearly
  28. Visualization
  29. The magic of changing your thinking
  30. Don’t Sweat the Small stuff
  31. Your word is your wand
  32. The magic path of intuition
  33. At your command
  34. I know my father
  35. It works! The famous little red book that makes your dreams come true
  36. The obstacle is the way
  37. Ego is the enemy
  38. The 23 secrets to wealth
  39. Laws of success in 16 steps
  40. Ego is the enemy
  41. Sell or be sold
  42. The one thing
  43. The 10X rule

2019 BOOKS:

  1. Sell or be sold ✅
  2. Millionaire success habits ✅
  3. Stuart Wilde — infinite self 33 steps to reclaiming your inner power ✅
  4. The psychology of selling ✅
  5. Jab, jab, jab, right hook ✅
  6. Beyond positive thinking ✅
  7. Starting over — living with purpose ✅
  8. The success system that never fails ✅
  9. How to raise your own salary
  10. The compound effect
  11. The automatic millionaire
  12. Start with why
  13. The one thing
  14. The power of broke

Henry Aaron

Why is online business, marketing, etc important?

The world is transitioning to online. Major department stores and Amazon, for example, are dominating the online space. People are going online to find what they want more now than ever before. The internet is the new platform for most professions. Approximately 70% of the world had internet, therefore you have the ability to reach people all over the globe.

follow Henry on Instagram @henryaaronwestbrooks to Grow Your Online Presence

Henry Aaron West Brooks is the Founder and CEO of www.igrowclub.com

Get a chance to avail free solar at $0 from Henry if you qualify through his company and feel free to reach out if you want consultation or mentorship for help growing a personal/business brand online/sharing your story.


Founder of CEO Medium. Visionary Entrepreneur.