Gianna Contillo Badot (aka GCB) is a Business Mentor, High-Performance Life Coach, Mindset Expert, and Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur. She grew her business while mentoring alongside successful entrepreneurs, consistently studying new skills, obtaining new coaching certifications, and most importantly, learning from experience.

Over the past 12+ years, she’s made every mistake in the book, but failure has been her greatest teacher. Doing everything wrong in business gave her unique insight into what to do right in terms of scaling an online business.

Today Gianna’s focus is on helping passion-driven entrepreneurs grow their dreams and goals into a profitable online business. With vast experience, Gianna mastered the art of teaching and helping coaches go from struggling small businesses to coaches with successful, passionate careers.

When you work with Gianna, you get results. Change happens. Your business (and life) shifts in a powerful way. You never question her desire to lift her clients up. She loves what she does, walks the walk, and shows up authentically in everything she does whether it’s a program she creates or a coaching session she facilitates. You’ll even see her enthusiasm through each post she writes.

What do you do, and what is your goal in business?

I’m a business mentor, high-performance life coach, mindset expert, and multi-passionate entrepreneur. My passion is empowering women to follow their passion. Today, I help entrepreneurs and driven-goal getters turn their passion into a profitable online business. I do this with mindset mapping and strategic marketing funnels.

How did you end up doing business coaching? What was the path that led you there?

Entrepreneurship has always been in my blood. I grew up in my father’s business and always wanted to be the CEO of my own company. I started my coaching career when I was 18 years old as a health coach, and my first company was built right out of my parent’s home office. The rest is history, my coaching and niche has evolved over time, but I’ve been coaching ever since that day.

My brand has evolved as I have evolved. As an individual, I traveled all over the world to countries like India, Cambodia, Thailand, and Tibet while studying yoga, meditation, eastern spirituality, and Buddhist psychology. I then pivoted away from basic health coaching and started working on the mindset with my clients as a performance coach. This was around the time I started marketing my business online.

So how did I become a business mentor? Well, marketing online, I had no idea what I was doing. So, I hired a business coach. At the time, I was really struggling with sales. She approached me with an opportunity to join her team as a Sales Rep as an apprentice. The deal was, I would take all her sales calls and take part in in-depth sales training along the way. This wasn’t my plan of course, but she allowed me to run my business at the same time. It felt right, so I went for it! This role as a Sales Rep eventually turned into a role as a Sales Coach and Chief Marketing Officer of her multiple 6-figure companies.

In the process, I fell in love with empowering women. I wanted to help them start and build businesses. Eventually, I started my own business coaching company. That’s how I pivoted into business coaching and the work I do today.

Tell us more about your brand. How does your business work? And how do you keep going when you’re challenged?

My brand is focused on promoting the Passionate Boss Movement through my coaching programs, 1:1 consulting, podcast, and social media platforms. What does it mean to be a passionate boss?

During my 10+ years of entrepreneurship, I’ve been knocked down SO many times along the way. The term first came to me during one of the lowest moments in my business. It was one of the hardest falls I’ve ever had to get up from. It was in this struggle that I realized what it really took to make it as an entrepreneur. Just to give a little background at this point…

I’d spent all my money and was pretty much broke. All I had was a dream and the strength to keep moving forward.

At that moment I realized you need 2 things to make it as an entrepreneur: LOVE of your work & STRENGTH to keep going. By the way, both are words I had tattooed on each of my middle fingers.

And so, the term passionate boss is an entrepreneur or goal-getter who is living their life & running a business as their core self (their higher/authentic self). She’s passionate and leads from her heart, but is also FIERCE, strong, powerful, and most importantly…RESILIENT. She gets back up, figures things out, and is the ultimate boss in business and in life.

That’s the energy I channeled to get where I am today. And if I’m being honest, without this mindset I don’t think I’d be here talking to you right now because let’s be real: Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster ride. The highs and lows of what it takes to stay the course and get to your goals break a lot of people before they even get close to the finish line.

Basically, the term is meant to empower the shit out of you and remind you of your BIG why in your heart. It also reminds you of the mental and emotional strength you need to preserve to keep going.

Your heart sets you off and running, but your resilience will actually determine if you make it or not. That’s why I started this podcast. It’s about helping you fuel your passion, with the strength you need, to get exactly where you want to go and beyond.

As for my clients, I work with them in my group business coaching program: The Online Passion Accelerator and via 1:1 customized high-level coaching + consulting.

What do you hope people take away from this? Do you have a way for people to get started easily?

My mission in life is to inspire women to chase their fears and live their passion. If you’re serious about building your dream business, a business you are passionate about but also one that’s profitable, I can help.

I just released a new free business-building workshop that you’re going to absolutely love. We cover the exact 5-step system that I teach my clients inside my signature program: The Online Passion Accelerator.

It’s an action-based system to help you scale your business to 6-figures (without a big audience or email list). When you sign up, you’ll get a workbook in your email inbox. It goes along with the training. You can work on each of the exercises, so you’re actually taking action instead of just taking in new information.

This workshop is ~60 mins so, yes, there is a time investment, but it’s a time investment in your business. That’s time well spent! You can sign up here:

If you’re ready to take action today on your business goals, and you want to know how we can work together, apply for a business assessment call here:

What are the current challenges in your business, and how do you handle them?

Current challenges are balancing all the ideas I have for my business. I struggle with focusing on one project at a time. There are so many creative projects I have planned in my head. I’ve had to get really good at structuring timelines for when these projects can come into fruition.

How did you get started financially?

In the beginning, I used credit to fund my ads.

Where do you see the future of your brand going? What’s the next level for you? And how far do you want to take it?

I am focused on 4 projects for the long-term evolution of my brand:

  1. Being of the highest possible service to my current and future clients.
  2. Launching my certification program for coaches in 2021 (A transformation & mindset mastery certification program. It’s for coaches who want to up-level their coaching skills and guide their clients through the process of overcoming mindset blocks that prevent them from achieving their goals). This is all still being ironed out and is in the works. You can follow me on social media to get updates on this.
  3. Growing The Passionate Boss Podcast
  4. Publishing my book about chasing your fears and creating a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Do you have a message for those who are chasing their entrepreneurship dreams and aren’t sure how to reach them?

Never settle. This is your life. It’s your right to go after your goals, dreams, and passions, but don’t be fooled by what you see on your newsfeed. Following your passion and creating a life beyond your wildest dreams is a lot harder than most entrepreneurs portray it on social media.

It’s not all lattes and laptops on the beach, it’s a grind. But it’s a grind that is 100% worth it if you’re going after something which you’re truly passionate about. Your success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to get up every day and continue chasing your fears. Most importantly, focus on your mindset just as much as you focus on crafting your marketing strategy.

Your marketing strategy can’t work if you have limiting beliefs holding you back or you don’t believe in your own success. Mindset is the foundation of it all, never forget that. Be ready to fail forward and build the strength to get back up every time you fall. Don’t expect to be an overnight success and be ready to be in this for the long-haul. If you stay the course, you’ll get exactly where you want to go and beyond.

Remember to stay in your own zone of genius, focus on yourself, and always be authentic, aka: never try to be like anyone else in your industry. Your superpower as an entrepreneur is your ability to be authentic and true to yourself.

Where to find Gianna online:

Company name: Passionate Boss Coaching ~ Gianna Contillo Badot

Apply for a Business Assessment Call:

Email Address:

Podcast URL:

Instagram URL:

Free Business Building Workshop URL:

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