Balancing business and life outside of business is a difficult task. Without careful consideration and intentional cooperation, the two can overpower each other. Your business can take over your personal life and your personal life has the potential to keep you from reaching your goals and business or career aspirations.
But — not if you have the tools to help you balance and are intentional in making sure both parts of your life receive the time and attention that they deserve. Both your personal life and your business life are important. Whether you desire to succeed in one or both of those areas, you have the ability to lead an exciting and fulfilled life. Especially if you have the tools, knowledge, and mentors to do so.
Merrin Schnabel is a successful public speaker, entrepreneur, social media influencer, and life and business coach. She is the founding figure behind the Geelong Women’s Business Club, a platform she created to inspire and connect businesses and women. GWBC was created to give entrepreneurs a platform to network with and mentor one another through speaking engagements and networking gatherings. The entrepreneurial side of Merrin has given life to several successful business ventures. The Inspired Health Company, a creation of Merrin’s, is a one-stop location for health and mindfulness-centered products and experiences. She has also started a kaftan and sarong fashion line to give fellow entrepreneurs and like-minded individuals beautifully designed beach or coastal wear for when they are out of the office and taking the time needed to balance their personal life with their other obligations. She has worked in the modeling and acting industry and uses her expertise in those fields to elevate both her fashion line, ByMerrin, and her health and fitness business venture, The Inspired Health Company. She hopes that through both her fashion line and her health company that she can assist others in finding the balance between their health and personal life.

Last but certainly not least, Merrin Schnabel is also a wife and proud mother of two beautiful boys. She is active in both various charities and humanitarian services and always aims to use her platform to help empower and serve underprivileged communities in need. She loves giving back to her community and helping those that are in need of help.
Through discovering for herself what it takes to balance both her personal life and her business aspirations, Merrin learned that she has a passion to help others learn and lead the way. Merrin has learned that her passions for health, business, family, and connectedness all influence each other and she hopes that through her social media, business ventures, and the Geelong Women’s Business Club she can remind others that while very different, all these different aspects of our lives do not have to take away time and attention from the other. When each is given the time, love, and attention that each deserves, each of these sections of our life, whether business or personal, has the power to help the other parts of our lives reach their full potential.
For more information on Merrin and what she does, you can check out her website, email, and social media links below:
Merrin Schnabel:
Women’s Business Club Website:
ByMerrin Website :
The Inspired Health Company Website: