Finding visibility and landing at the top during a Google search is a priority to most businesses. But, it’s easy to get buried if you don’t have the right SEO and digital marketing strategies and tactics. Without online visibility and strong branding, you’re virtually invisible.
The phrase SEO gets thrown around readily, but those who are just starting out think it’s as easy as finding a couple of key phrases or words and running with it. But search engine optimization is a complex puzzle with many pieces. It’s layered with the right content, the right funnels, building strong reputable backlinks, and building authority and trust. Each part of the process, whether somebody is in the awareness phase all the way down to conversion comes with clever, smart strategies and tactics that all build on one another.
There are a lot of weekend warriors who build a site and assume people will simply show up, not realizing how involved and competitive the web can be. If you’re a business that’s invested in long-term results, SEO and digital marketing are a necessary part of your plan.

David Hahn owns an agency in Germany, SEO Galaxy, and knows backlinks and marketing. In fact, his company has grown leaps and bounds, and has even spurned another personal brand for him. He now also includes things like online learning and marketing consultation under his personal brand. His company handles many big brands in the German market, as well as across the globe in places like Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, and the United States. With a portfolio of well over 5,000 companies, he’s hoping to double that and increase the bottom line of the businesses he works with.
Experience Leads the Way
David’s strong work ethic had him learning the ropes and doing well for himself. In fact, he fell into the company he created when people kept coming to him for different marketing situations. By 18, he’d built a 100k company, and expanded into larger markets.
He’s automated most of the process at this point, and with employees, and strong systems in place, he’s gained financial freedom, as spurred on by a book he found inspiring, The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.
In the world of digital marketing, competition is fierce, and it’s those who follow a strong, ethical path and understand the complexities of the world that thrive. He’s worked with so many industries at this point, that he can now recognize what steps a company should take to expand their growth based on the industry.

This SEO mastermind is available with both his agency and through his website for consulting. With the constant changes Google makes, webmasters are left scrambling to pick up the pieces and help redrive traffic that was lost after the latest algorithm change. David Hahn has a method and strong history for getting businesses found. He cautions that all the traffic in the world won’t create sales if the right funnels aren’t in place.
When it comes to SEO, your company can’t overlook the importance of a strong backlink strategy from relevant sites with authority. Thankfully, David Hahn has your back. He’s ready, willing, and able to help you get your company seen. You can find David at SEO Galaxy, and at his personal site,