Ayana Brody Parham, affectionately known as Coach Ham, is the CEO and founder of Parham & Associates. An executive firm is specializing in Emotional Intelligence for aspiring leaders of color. They are committed to providing an educational program that will benefit employees by improving cultural performance and efficiency. As a young black law enforcement professional, Ayana has experienced and practiced emotional intelligence in the face of adversity. Her charisma, communication, and commitment to achieving outstanding results for her clients make her one of the most sought-after executives and leadership coaches in Washington, DC.
Tell us who is Coach Ham and what do you do?
As a Person of Color, the only Black woman in a 40-person office whose mission and ethos is to protect the American people. Coach Ham found herself in familiar territory, falling prey to the critical survival tactic known all too well by many people of color in corporate America – code-switching. In the last 13 years, Coach Ham has seen many people of color pass over for promotional advancement. She has seen under-qualified men get rewarded for tasks that are not worthy of the reward. Having gone through this experience herself, she decided to birth Parham & Associates. This executive coaching firm focuses on the soft skills people need every day to make an impact. Parham’s firm remains one of the most sought out practices in the eastern seaboard, focusing on law enforcement personnel, military, and CEO-minded clients. Parham had to learn how to funnel her feelings and experiences into a positive by turning her passion into a great coaching practice.
What inspired you to start your business?
Parham explained that her company’s inspiration was on a movie she watched with her then one-year-old son. She describes watching the famous film Despicable Me and watching the villain (GRU) try numerous attempts to be the very best villain and always failed. Yet, he was persistent and determined; Parham said, “that was the moment that Coach Ham wanted to create not just one GRU, but GRUs. She coined the term GRU as an acronym for Great Leaders Rising. Parham explains that her main focus is to create a platform in which people can launch. Her establishment gives room for individuals to grow in their business, careers and other aspects of life. Currently, Brody Parham hosts a webinar, “Emotional Hijacking” Avoid Becoming a hostage, where she shares four primary emotional responses that many individuals become a victim. Emotional Hijacking captivated her focus. She shared how to avoid them, as both a highly educated Mother of one and an effective leader, yet an underserved professional in her field. She provides strategies to her audience on preventing, managing, and practicing these responses from affecting those around them. This webinar is for all interested individuals who are building up emotional intelligence, strategies, and application in various fields.

What can our audience expect from you?
Our mantra is simple; we want those leaders who were deemed unfit to lead by their companies standards to call, email, schedule time with us. We have all been there and felt the feeling of rejection. The significant difference between us and those others, we didn’t sit and wallow in our anger, frustration, and jealousy. We knew we deserved to be at the table where the decisions were made and access a seat; we had to work on ourselves.
Why should our audience invest in your firm?
We know that emotional intelligence is a hot topic in recent years; however, many people today are being hired based on how high or low their EQ dictates. Coach Ham created a 1:1 program for those who are ready to chase their dreams with aggression. She provides access to the best resources, which is rarely accessible to those in corporate America. Parham explains to date; she has given away hundreds of copies of her GRU Mastermind handbook: The Key to take over the table. Parham understands what is needed to make sure you are the very best self.

Explain the challenges you went through while starting your business?
Coach Ham explains some of her early frustrations came with the creativity behind the name, and she knew the name of the firm had to be something original. Parham says, “What made it hard for me was the selection of the name and what that would mean in the future.” She explains that she wanted to leave a legacy for her son to own and lead from wherever he stood. Daily, Parham’s number one frustration is coming up with fun and creative ideas that lead to a content-driven post. As she explains, her days are long, and most often than not, she is trying to find something that is “Catchy,” and usually, she gets writer’s block.
How do you create financial opportunities for investors to buy into your vision?
Parham manages her finances through clients and customers purchasing Parham & Associates services, webinars, books, and merchandise. Parham started small, she asked family and friends to become an advocate for her and support her business any way they could. She continues to apply for grants and opportunities where she can assist. Coach Ham also offers pro-bono services to the underrepresented communities to give back to her community.
What is next for Parham & Associates?
Coach Ham’s vision for the future is wide and vast. She explains that her dreams of coaching from the globe are a must, so many people have similar stories like hers, and what made her different was her ability to turn her perceived failure into a thriving coaching practice. She wants to travel the world and coach those who need an “extra kick” to gain the next level.

What advice would you give future entrepreneurs?
Parham’s message was clear. She explains while her failure was the driving force for her success, she wanted to make sure she would never hear the word “No” from corporate America again. She has learned over the years the type of leader she wants to become and found a way to create a platform for those with the same mindset to do the same.
Parham is a newly published author, The ABC’s of Emotional Intelligence X Leaders. She describes the book as interactive and intrinsic for the aspiring leader. Parham explains, “I want my clients to be able to do the work, with or without me; that is the mark of a great leader. This book is for the leader who is ready to grab a seat at the table.” Parham anticipates a newly released children’s book coming out soon for parents to help their young children positively express themselves.
Company name: Parham & Associates
Email Address : Hello@parhamintelligence.com
Website : www.parhamintelligence.com
Instagram : www.instagram.com/Hamlecoach