Brianna Michelle Young is CEO of Brianna Michelle Beauty and Brianna Michelle Coaching. In 2010, Brianna founded her bridal makeup business in Las Vegas, the wedding capital of the world. By 2019, she was widely regarded as having the most successful bridal makeup business in America. Then the Covid 19 pandemic happened in March of 2020 and the wedding business in Las Vegas completely dried up. Thus, forcing Brianna to reexamine her business model.
As a result, she founded Brianna Michelle Coaching and used the pause to help, coach, and mentor wedding and beauty professionals. While her business started with a simple call for help from a fellow beauty professional. She quickly realized that there were hundreds of wedding professionals who had skills, but no direction, no concrete formula for success. Specifically, when it came to marketing online.
In the twelve months since the pandemic hit Las Vegas, BMC has coached dozens of women on how to run a successful bridal business. Even as wedding businesses recover in Las Vegas, Brianna continues to coach, teach and mentor other wedding pros on how to build sustainable six-figure businesses through online marketing and mindset strategies without burnout.
Tell us about who you are and what you do.
I am a coach and mentor that assists aspiring wedding professionals to make the quantum leap to grow their business revenues from $1000 months to $10,000 months, sometimes even $20,000 months. Specifically, I am an online marketing strategist helping wedding professionals make money with their passion and create a life by design.
Tell us how you created this brand and what was the sole idea behind it.
About 2 years ago, after I had firmly established my mobile beauty brand, Brianna Michelle Beauty, I had started to slowly pivot into coaching and business mentoring. BMB had reached the point where it was naturally running itself. Then I got a call. It was an acquaintance who had dabbled in makeup but was now getting serious about opening a mobile makeup business in Chicago. She offered to pay me to help her.
It seemed natural to lead into a more educational role. I knew how to build a wedding business and I knew the struggles that most new business women and entrepreneurs face. When I started my mobile beauty business, I was the ultimate billboard for the struggling entrepreneur. I faced self-doubt, fear, lack of confidence, and so much uncertainty. I humbly say, I struggled probably more than most. I was homeless at age 34 after a failed long-term relationship and living in my girlfriends basement because I couldn’t afford rent. I was trying to get my bridal business off the ground with literally no seed money. I can relate to struggling entrepreneurs because I personally experienced what it was like to struggle as a new business owner. I realized I could use my experience to help other wedding professionals find a faster, less painful, path to success.
It wasn’t until March 2020, when the pandemic essentially closed down the wedding business in Las Vegas that I decided to put both feet into my coaching business! Within 6 months, I had created a second 6 figure business, all accomplished with a modest budget.
Brianna Michelle Coaching is a transformational program. We help wedding pros grow exponentially through online marketing strategies, mindset, and buyer sales psychology. We offer self-study online courses for those just wanting to get their feet wet with marketing their business, to private 1:1 sessions, for those ready to go all in. Currently, we just launched a new program called Self Made Woman for those looking to build their own online courses and coaching programs to create passive income.
Our brand’s mission is to help women become Self Made. We change their life. We make them successful. confident, fully capable of supporting themselves and their families. We take skill and turn it into profit.
Go in detail and tell us about how your brand works. You may keep this from the audience’s perspective.
Brianna Michelle Coaching is built on different levels of the wedding professionals journey and community. Based on Brianna’s 17-year experience in the wedding industry, she understands the wedding professionals’ journey, and different areas needed to maximize getting seen online, attract and book more brides.
From someone that is completely new to the business, we offer a basic course, Your 6 Figure Bridal Blueprint for Booking Out, which targets finding your ideal bride, setting your rates, and building a converting website, etc. We also offer our Posting for Profit course that is very niched down just helping wedding pros with Instagram for those that already have the basics down such as branding and pricing but aren’t sure how to use Instagram as an additional revenue source.
Private 1:1 coaching is for those that might be stuck sitting on $6K per month and have holes in their business that is preventing them from hitting over $10K months. In a 1:1 private setting, Brianna can personally comb through your online platforms, find the holes and help you scale and grow to $10K+ months.

What is your giveaway idea through this interview? Highlight something that may interest the readers on a one-to-one basis.
We find new wedding professionals struggle with establishing a strong Instagram presence. Not knowing what to post that converts and using Instagram as an additional revenue stream are particularly challenging issues. So we have a great self-study course called the Bridal Social Suite which is a course helping you know what to post that gets you more clients and revenue.
Explain the challenges you went through while you were working on brand creation. What are the challenges you go through on an everyday basis?
My biggest learning experience as a coach was that learning that I couldn’t help everyone. I struggled going back and forth on whether to offer online courses and programs for all entrepreneurs and coaches or just wedding professionals. This mindset was holding me back from going all in. But when the pandemic happened, my wedding people needed me. We were all struggling and I saw the opportunity of how I could help. I ultimately decided to focus on my niche helping wedding professionals.
How do you manage your finances through the services you offer. Any fundings etc received?
I like reinvesting in my business and being resourceful. We were lucky to have taken advantage of the PPP loan as a resource during the Pandemic. Being resourceful has got me where I am today. There is no way I would have built both my businesses if I hadn’t gotten resourceful with finances. Look around you. Get resourceful.
Tell us your future vision about the brand. How far do you want to take it? What is your dream about taking it to the next level?
My brand is focused on achieving quantum leaping growth through strategy and mindset. The mindset work in all my programs is powerful and transformative. We are currently working on creating an entire Beauty Retreat experience based on this theme. We feel by taking this work in a more “experience” setting we will be able to reach more professionals that crave these types of mindset transformative experiences.
What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?
My message is consistent with every woman I coach. Believe in yourself! Never, ever give up, and don’t be afraid to invest even if the money is tight. I truly believe it was because of my determination and the constant investing in my business and myself that I am where I am today. Living my dream life. My background is not special. I was bullied for being overweight, suffered from low self-esteem, stuttered growing up, and failed math 3 times in college. I never thought in a million years growing up I would be where I am today. It was the fighting through all my struggles that led to where I am today.
Company name : Brianna Michelle Coaching
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Instagram: @briannamichellecoaching @briannamichellebeauty