Elizabeth Estelle began Homeschool Christian Mom in 2016 to support homeschooling moms. She already graduated with her 4 strong-willed children. Her blog, HomeschoolChristianMom.com,  has articles that address homeschooling state law compliance, scheduling, having a biblical mission statement as well as the other struggles of parenting. She even posts some recipes because as she says, “You still have to make dinner.”

Homeschooling moms can get the information they need from Homeschool Christian moms in several ways: through blog posts, her Facebook page and group, Instagram,  Youtube videos, Alexa news, or from her frequent Facebook Lives at 10 am EST at Homeschool Christian Mom FB page.

“Moms need to have one place that they can go and be confident that they have the best answers for their situation.” A paid Facebook group, Homeschool Christian Mom, is in the launch stage. This group offers timely access to homeschool help when moms have an “I’m stuck” moment during the day. Moms can pay by the month to have Elizabeth and her team on their side.

Elizabeth knows a LOT about homeschooling. In addition to teaching her children, she ran the gym class for a homeschooling group for 24 years. The difficulty for her with her business was the technical aspects. She is now in a program with coach Lindsey Anderson so that she can get that assistance. She had to buckle down to learn the ins and outs of website design, social marketing, and copywriting. 

Then 2020 came along and it seemed like EVERYONE was homeschooling. You might think that would have helped her business but it was the opposite! Now she was competing for SEO with The Washington Post, The New York Times, and everyone else. So Elizabeth is now considering niching down even further to feature weekly art projects. (She originally started as an art teacher.)

 “I would love to have opportunities to speak to homeschooling groups at conventions. I want to let moms know that they can do a good job homeschooling. It takes work. You have to be intentional. You have to do a lot of praying! But you can do it and help your children make a successful transition to college and life” says Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: I have learned that starting an online business is more complicated than I originally thought. There are the technical aspects, learning to sell, keeping a schedule, and interacting with people. But I keep on going and trying and learning. If you need to take a class or two, it is worth it. That kind of investment in yourself is invaluable. There is a lot of satisfaction in being able to help people all over the country.  

Let’s connect:

 Facebook group: Homeschool Christian Mom

Youtube: Homeschool Christian Mom These videos discuss homeschool scheduling, working with your Littles, thinking long term, and many other topics.

For additional homeschooling support, work with me!

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Twitter   @hmschchristnmom


Do you need some extra homeschooling help? Let’s chat! Move to a happy homeschool family from being a hesitant homeschool mom.


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